Before the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority took over the role and functions of the Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner on 30 June 2020, the Commissioner held two webinars in place of a final public forum. A summary of the forums are provided below.
Webinar 1 – An overview of mine rehabilitation in the Latrobe Valley: A Commissioner’s perspective
This webinar presented on the work that has been undertaken over the last three years in planning for the safe, stable and sustainable rehabilitation of the three Latrobe Valley coal mines.
You can view the recording, transcript, copy of the presentation and answers to the questions from the Q&A session below.
If you attended, we would love to hear your thoughts by completing this short survey.
LVMRC Webinar 1 Presentation – An overview of mine rehabilitation in the Latrobe Valley: A Commissioner’s perspective (PDF 1.85MB) by Professor Rae Mackay, Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner
LVMRC Webinar 1 – Responses to questions from Q&A Session (PDF 311KB)
LVMRC Webinar 1 – Transcript (PDF 246KB)
Webinar 2 – Introducing the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority
This webinar featured guest speakers Laura Cronin, Manager Legislation Reform from the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) who presented on the roles and functions of the Authority; Anthony Feigl, Acting Director Coal Resources from DJPR, and Anna May, Director Water Resources and Assessment from the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning, who presented and answered questions on the Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy.
You can view the recording below along with a copy of the presentation slides and responses to questions received in the Q&A session. Note: the recording has been edited to include the presentation slides which were unavailable during the live session due to technical difficulties.
Did you attend? We welcome your feedback by completing this quick survey.
About our guest speaker – Laura Cronin, Manager Legislation Reform, Earth Resources Policy and Programs, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
During her three years with the resources policy and legislation team, Laura has been closely involved with the Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner. In 2017, she worked on the amendment legislation which established the Commissioner and the appointment of Emeritus Professor Rae Mackay into that role. She has since worked on the amendments to the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Amendment Act 2019 which establishes the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority and leads the team which was responsible for the appointment of the inaugural Board.
Laura is an experienced policy and regulatory professional with a legal background. Originally from New Zealand she has worked in the Victorian Public Service for three years. Prior to that she worked in policy roles in the public, private and non-government sectors, most recently as Manager, Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs for Westpac New Zealand Limited, and as an Senior Advisor to Sir Michael Cullen former New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

LVMRC Webinar 2 Presentation – Introducing the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority (PDF 768KB) by Laura Cronin, Manager Legislation Reform, Earth Resources Policy and Programs, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
LVMRC Webinar 2 Presentation – Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy Overview (PDF 1.37MB) by Anthony Feigl, Acting Director, Coal Resources, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions