Mine rehabilitation app offers exciting insights.
Students from Trafalgar High School recently spent the day taking a trip to a virtual mine site – via the new Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority (MLRA) Mine Rehab 3D Augmented Reality App.
The opportunity for the school students to explore a virtual mine site was provided through the new MLRA 3D App, which the MLRA team have just released. The students were the first to test out the features of the app, which include being able to see the end process of mine rehabilitation.
The MLRA has developed a 3D Augmented Reality App that allows you to visit an open cut mine site virtually and spend time looking at some of the features you may not ordinarily be aware of. Augmented reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information.
Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority’s CEO, Dr Jen Brereton said “The MLRA 3D app provides an opportunity for the user to see the immense size of a mine site and the complexities involved with the rehabilitation.”
The MLRA 3D App will be officially launched on Tuesday 29 October at the MLRA Open House event but is available as a free download now from App Store and Google Play.