Two young girls wearing blue jackets and yellow gumboots searching for easter eggs in a tree growing on the slope of a flower covered hillside

Mineland Chats

Mineland Chats

Building on prior conversations with the community, we offered six events; four webinars and two face-to-face events in October and November 2021.

The Mineland Chats provided an opportunity for people to ask questions and give their opinions about mine rehabilitation. Each session was held with a small group of people in an informal setting and structured around a particular theme:

  • Rehabilitation Options and Residual Risks
  • Access to Water
  • Environmental Assessments and Approvals

Thanks to those that attended our inaugural series of Mineland Chats. Please see the summary report of the issues discussed in the pdf viewer and also available to download.

Couple dancing in a meadow

What will the future look like for Victoria’s declared mines?

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