From a humid swamp to a cooler climate – how Latrobe Valley’s brown coal was formed
Read more: From a humid swamp to a cooler climate – how Latrobe Valley’s brown coal was formedA National Science Week feature story Imagine a lush, water-logged subtropical rainforest of tree ferns, with temperatures five degrees higher and much greater and more frequent rainfall than we experience today. This was the Latrobe Valley more than 20 million years ago, a wetland environment enveloped by a warm marine…
Meet with us
Read more: Meet with usWe’re changing the way we engage to comply with social distancing rules and to keep the community safe, so that we can continue to facilitate and encourage community conversations about mine rehabilitation. If you are a member of a local group and you’re interested in finding out more about what…
New authority and strategy for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitation
Read more: New authority and strategy for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitationThe rehabilitation of the Latrobe Valley’s brown coal mines will be steered by experts and locals through the creation of a new authority and a strategy to guide rehabilitation planning and works over the coming decades. Minister for Resources Jaclyn Symes launched the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority and the Latrobe…