Welcoming our new CEO
Read more: Welcoming our new CEODr Jenny Brereton has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority (MLRA). “I am delighted to announce that Dr Jenny Brereton has joined the MLRA as Interim CEO. Jenny brings a wealth of experience to the role and is excited to be joining the team. The…
Mineland Chats
Read more: Mineland ChatsBuilding on prior conversations with the community, we offered six events; four webinars and two face-to-face events in October and November 2021. The Mineland Chats provided an opportunity for people to ask questions and give their opinions about mine rehabilitation. Each session was held with a small group of people…
Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority – Annual Report 2020/2021
Read more: Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority – Annual Report 2020/2021 -
MLRA Webinars July 2021: Mine rehabilitation: an inter-generational process
Read more: MLRA Webinars July 2021: Mine rehabilitation: an inter-generational processThe Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority (MLRA) with David Salmon, MLRA CEO and Rhonda Hastie, Technical Advisor presented an online webinar on 28 July 2021 discussing the MLRA’s development over the past year, and the timeline for mine land rehabilitation. Watch the video of the webinar below. Click the button to…
Celebrating the MLRA’s One Year Anniversary.
Read more: Celebrating the MLRA’s One Year Anniversary.On 30 June 2020 the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority superseded the Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner as the overseer of Victoria’s declared mine rehabilitation. Victoria’s declared mines are the Latrobe Valley’s three brown coal mines: Hazelwood, Yallourn and Loy Yang.
MLRA Webinars February 2021: LVRRS Implementation Actions
Read more: MLRA Webinars February 2021: LVRRS Implementation ActionsIn February 2021 the MLRA hosted two webinars on the Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy (LVRRS) Implementation Actions with guest speakers from the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) and the Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR). Webinar 1 LVRRS Implementation Actions 1 and 3, Tuesday, 2 February…
Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner 2019 – 20 Annual Report
Read more: Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner 2019 – 20 Annual ReportThe Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner 2019 – 20 Annual Report is now available to download.
Mine closure and contaminated land management share aim for future land use
Read more: Mine closure and contaminated land management share aim for future land useA National Science Week feature story When it comes to remediating contaminated land or water, environmental scientist Claire Fitzpatrick says managing contamination is “very similar to mine rehabilitation in the perspective of wiping the slate clean and returning the land to the way it was before.” Claire presented on mine…
Welcoming our new CEO
Mineland Chats
Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority – Annual Report 2020/2021
MLRA Webinars July 2021: Mine rehabilitation: an inter-generational process
Celebrating the MLRA’s One Year Anniversary.
MLRA Webinars February 2021: LVRRS Implementation Actions
Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner 2019 – 20 Annual Report
Mine closure and contaminated land management share aim for future land use